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Serving a mission is an incredible, life-changing event, but it is also one of the most difficult experiences. Doing all you can to prepare for a mission will help you to have a richer, more-fulfilling experience and will bring you closer to your Heavenly Father, who will be your closest companion while on your mission.

If you haven't already done so, read the Book of Mormon all the way through. If you have, read it again. The fact that you are preparing to serve a mission will shed a whole new light on what you are reading. As you read, think about what you can do to better prepare and how you can best reach out to investigators. Make it a habit to really read and record thoughts in a journal every day. After all, that's what you'll be doing every day on your mission!

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If you are in high school, attend seminary and make it a goal to graduate from seminary. If you have already graduated from high school, attend institute. The prophet has asked us to make these a priority because of the learning and testimony-building experiences we as youth and young adults can have in these spiritual settings among our peers. Actively participate in the lessons and volunteer to play the piano, lead the music, or offer a prayer. Listen to the spirit and you will receive answers to prayers.

Prepare to enter the temple as you prepare to receive your mission call. Attend the temple preparation class and keep yourself worthy to hold a temple recommend. Once you receive your call, interview with your bishop and stake president for your living ordinance recommend and receive your endowment, then attend the temple as often as you can. You will learn so many wonderful things and receive revelation that will help you to be more in-tune with God's plan for you.

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Practice teaching the lessons in Preach my Gospel chapter 3 to your non-LDS friends. If you approach it as a way for them to help you practice, they will be overjoyed to be a part of it. They can express real concerns and ask real questions since they are not members of the church, and you will have a chance to really share with them your testimony of the gospel and why it is important to you.

Contact the missionaries in your area (elders if you are a boy or sisters if you are a girl) and ask to go on splits with them. Splits can either be two members meeting up with a companionship and each missionary going with a member, or a member can join a companionship and make a threesome. While on splits you will get to experience first-hand what it is like to be a missionary and teach lessons to investigators. You will have the opportunity to practice teaching and bearing your testimony, and it will add another witness to what the missionaries have already been teaching. Thus it is a wonderful experinece for both you and the investigator.

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If you are serving foreign, practice becoming familiar with the language. Learn basic rules and verb conjugations, and practice them with others who know the language. With some languages this can be difficult, but even talking to yourself in the mirror is practice. Also try praying in the language and learn how to bear your testimony in the language. Even if all you know is how to offer a simple prayer and testify of a few basic truths, you will be able to contribute to the lesson and others will feel of your spirit.

Begin praying for your future investigators and companions. It is incredible as you pray, how much love you begin to feel for them. Try to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and find areas where you can improve as a teacher and a listener, as well as a companion. Being with another person 24/7 can be difficult when there is not love and harmony, and YOU can make a huge difference in the companionship by the way you love, serve, and pray for your companion.

Most importantly, live in a way that you can always have the spirit to be with you. Start being completely obedient in all that you do and bear your testimony in the way you live. This is probably the best way you can prepare to be a missionary, by just living the way you know you should.

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